
Elettaria Cardamomum

Cardamom, “The Queen of Spices”, is the third most expensive spice in the world. It is very versatile and has the power to enliven any food and drinks with its aromatic complexity and delectable taste. Our cardamom comes from 100% natural Indonesian cardamom seeds with a luscious sweet aroma and a herbal warmth. Its scent is a cross between eucalyptus, mint and pepper with a hint of citrus. 

Our cardamom is available in three varieties: green cardamom, white cardamom and black cardamom. Green cardamoms, also known as “true cardamom”, has the strongest flavor profile of all. In some cases, they are bleached for aesthetic reasons to produce white cardamoms commonly used in Scandavian baked goods. Despite being not as immediately pungent, black cardamom has an added hint of bark and smoke making it perfect for savory dishes. 

Apart from its culinary uses, the seeds, oils and extracts of cardamom are shown to have impressive medicinal properties and have been used in traditional medicine for centuries. Cardamom is often used as a breath freshener and digestive aid in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. It has the ability to help lower blood pressure, fight inflamation and improve breathing. Cardamom essential oil provides soothing effect that treats insomnia and fights motion sickness.  

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